Welcome to this edition of “What’s been added to Client Diary”. We’re always excited to add the features you request, so here is the latest round!

Weekly Target Report
This little beauty is fabulous for those of us who track our targets. Previously you had to use the dashboard or the employee area to view the targets. Now you can see your whole Team’s week in one, easy to view place!

Overall Summary Report – Service and Product Percentages
Business coaches are fab. They help you stick to your plan, keep check on your numbers and hold you accountable.
But they’re always asking for figures! Painful. Well, a common figure they asked for was what percentage of products VS services are you selling. It’s now right there, on the Overall Summary Report. Easy!

End of Day – Save & Load figures
Nothing more annoying then doing your End of Day count, seeing something is wrong, then having to leave, fix the problem, then come back and enter the figures again.
Well, you don’t have to anymore.
Simply press the SAVE Figures button before you leave and you can load the figures back when you return.

NZ Xero improvement
For those businesses in New Zealand, we have added support for a large range of New Zealand tax types.
This means your experience with doing End of Day in Client Diary when linked to Xero will be seamless.
SMS marketing directions
We’ve improved the language and directions in the SMS marketing tool.
The system will now very clearly inform you if you’re sending late at night (that it will queue them for the next morning).
It will also warn you about sending more than once to ensure you don’t accidentally send your marketing out more than once time.
A nice little addition to really help you feel secure when doing larger
marketing sends.
We are sure these new tools will be helpful. Everything added has been due to your feedback. So as usual, please keep it coming. If you want something in Client Diary then let us know using the Feature Request link in the software.
All the best,
The Client Diary Team!