Not all new features and improvements are show stoppers, however, they’re all useful and important. Here are the latest recent updates to Client Diary that are worth knowing about.
Dedicated SMS number
Previously Client Diary choose a number to send your SMS from, then tried to use that number each time. However, other companies (Pizza, medical centres, etc) might also use that number causing confusion to your clients. Client Diary now sends from one, dedicated number only. No other businesses outside of the Client Diary system have access to this number. This will stop for example Medical Centres or Pizza stores sending from the same number. A welcome addition for many we’re sure.

Next Appointment Shown in History
When looking at the client’s history, you will normally be confronted with the newest appointment at the top of the list. This could be an appointment planned for later on in the year, but this pushes down any appointments that are sooner and could be harder to find. Now when viewing the history the next upcoming appointment will be viewable at the top.
Marketing Log Client List
Sending an SMS campaign to your clients, you may quickly want to see who has received a message. This can be done when at the Marketing Logs, then pressing on View Clients. You can then see the names of the clients who the message was sent out to.
Employee Deactivation Notification
When someone leaves your team you want to make sure any of their future appointments have been rescheduled or cancelled. These appointments could be hard to find or too far in the future to find easily. When now deactivating an employee you will be notified of any future appointments they have and can be handled appropriately.
Right click a booking
Not everyone is aware of it, but this tool has been around for a while.
With the recent visual and interface improvements to Client Diary we’ve updated the context menu.
Next time you’re at the calendar, if you’re using a mouse, give the menu a click with your right button so you can quickly perform common tasks without the need to open the slide out menu.
View waitlist bookings directly in the calendar
The waitlist is great tool, but it’s also great to be able to visualise the bookings on the calendar rather than just in the list.
You can now view the waitlist bookings in calendar via a toggle option.
Minor Improvements
As we look to bring further quality of life improvements to Client Diary, we add minor features to help everyday use. These include but are not limited to:
- Distinct menus and inputs so you know your clicking on the right features
- New menu buttons to make options clearer and easier to press.
- More descriptive text fields and easier to read features.
- Increasing the size of the SMS message box, to view more text of larger message.
Another round of small but important features have made their way into Client Diary and we’re sure you’ll appreciate these in your day to day usage.
We have another set of improvements like this coming soon and also some larger and quite impressive new tools coming your way, so watch this space!
As usual, this is ALL from you, the Client Diary community, sending in feedback. Please keep it coming, we love making new tool that are important to you.
Kind regards,
The Client Diary Team!