Did you know you can check your projected income in Client Diary, with a single click?

The big news for those that love keeping track of their income projection, is now you can view report projections over a whole range of dates. (previously, you could only see one week at a time)

What can this do for me?
▪ At the start of the week you can check if you’re going to break even, or not, before trading even starts.
▪ You can look at your previous weeks or months and see if you sold over your projections (upsold), or if you traded under your projection (you gave too many discounts!).
▪ You can even track your existing month to see if you’re on track for your monthly revenue target.
All of this can be done per employee if you wish, for team reviews. You can also separate locations, if you have more than one.
Pretty cool, but why the update?
Recently, we received an email from one of Australia’s leading Business Coaches, Faye Murray. Faye asked about this report, and if it could be adjusted to help her clients that use Client Diary to prepare data easier.
Some back and forth, some code magic later and we’ve udpated our most popular report and now you get to use it too!
Faye is incredibly respected, and no secret in the Hair and Beauty industry. If you’re interested in learning more about Faye, and how she helps businesses, she is holding an event in Brisbane. Follow this link to get information on the event.

It’s vital to keep track of your business income, both in the future, and in the past. Knowing if, and learning why, you sold more or less than your projection is a game changer.
Client Diary is affordable, modern, and powerful. Giving you the tools you need to run your business in a professional manner.
We trust you’ll love this new update.
The Client Diary Team