Considering holding classes?
Thought about booking a Blow Dry Class for your clients? What about holding a special event with limited numbers? Client Diary’s new Class function lets you book and mange anything from Yoga and Gym classes, to any event with limited numbers.

Build your business
Client Diary gives your normal clients and any students the freedom to book their classes online. They can even pay for their class before they arrive.
Easy and familiar workflow
Booking is as easy as clicking a time to create a class and pressing the New Class button. Client Diary fully integrates Classes into the calendar so they can sit alongside other appointment types. This allows you to have personal, 1 on 1 services as well as Classes without any need to change how you work.
Setup is Simple
With just a few, quick inputs you can have your class setup in seconds.
▪ name of your class
▪ price for the class
▪ class capacity
▪ duration
▪ colour of class in calendar
▪ if the class can be booked online or not
It’s super easy!
Quick Class Management
Quickly manage your classes. See who has arrive, who has confirmed and even who has payed before they arrived.
Customer Friendly Online Booking
Let your customers choose the class they want by simply selecting the class type.
They are then shown available dates and spots remaining in the class.
The classes function has been a regular request so we’re super excited to get this functionality in place. You can now host and easily manage you events, classes and more.
Check out more with the links below and start booking in your classes now!