We have updated how Xero connects to Client Diary. This is due to a change and improvement with how Xero wants us to connect with them.
Please read the below info if you connect your Client Diary to Xero each day.

What has changed?
Xero will allow you to stay connected after your initial link. This means you don’t have to re-connect each day. This is a massive improvement and means once you’ve connected this once, you can just do the End of Day each day without any extra steps.
What do I need to do?
You need to re-connect Xero. Steps on how to do that are here : http://clientdiary.com/knowledgebase/how-to-apply-xero-to-client-diary/
▪ Please perform these steps before using the End of Day, just once, and the Xero link will continue like normal.
Once done, simply cash up like normal each day and the figures will be sent to Xero automatically.
Why the change?
In the ever changing and improving world of internet security, Xero have done the right thing and upgraded their security protocols. That means we have to meet their new security standards. We have done this, however it means you must re-connect once to Xero from within Client Diary to ensure Client Diary is talking to Xero with the newly improved security in place.
Anything else I should know?
There are some nice new additions. If you have more than one site/location, each site can have its own Xero account if you wish. Alternatively you can link all your sites to one Xero account. The choice is yours.
Also, when you are in the End of Day tool of Client Diary, you’ll be shown the status of your Xero connection visually, so you know whether or not you have an active connection. The image below shows this

This update will make the Xero connection much easier and negate the daily connection. We are sure you’ll appreciate the ‘connect once’ approach.
Enjoy the new update and of course, please send any feedback you may have. It all helps us to make Client Diary the best it can be.
Kind regards,
The Client Diary Team