Booking a Service Bundle

Bundles are an amazing way to book a client for multiple services at the same time.

If you havent set up bundles yet; please have a look at This Page.

After being set up, its as easy as booking an appointment and client will have multiple services booked on the calender.

For a full description of Service Bundles please follow this link to the Service Bundle Overview.

This is how:

  • Select the Calendar Menu.
  • Click on a Time Slot to make an appointment.
  • Choose the New Appointment button.
  • Enter the Client Details.
  • Below the service selection area you will find the Service Bundles area. 
  • Choose the Bundle you would like to book.
  • You will now see the individual services that make up the Bundle appear in the top right of the New Appointment area.
  • Select the Submit Button like normal to book the Bundled services
  • The booking is in the calendar and can be moved about and adjusted if needed.

TIP: Looking closely you will see a small, opened box icon in the booking. 

This indicates the booking is part of a Bundle and therefore might have adjusted timing and pricing compared to a normal booking. 

Hovering your mouse over the booking will show a tip to let you know which bundle the booking is part of.

For more info on Service Bundles be sure to read the Service Bundle Overview.