This tutorial will explain how to process a refund in client diary.
Client Refund Overview
In a few situations a client may request a refund. For example, a client may have deposited funds on-line
for a future appointment and then decided they no longer wish to use the money for that purpose.
Alternatively, a client may request a refund if they are unsatisfied with a service provided.
If the receipt of money and the refund occur on separate days, we need a procedure to ensure the client balance is corrected (if refunding money deposited earlier) and a way to indicate that money has gone out of our accounts.
No official refund process exists yet in Client Diary however it will come in time. In the meantime the following should make the process possible.
How to Setup a Refund Service
- Go into the Services menu
- Press Add New Service
- Making the Service Name Refund, and the Category Refund.
- Mark it as Available
- Ensure you don’t enter a price (leave at 0).
- Next set the time required to 0.
- Ensure Can be booked online is NOT ticked.
- That Tax Included and Business Pays tax for this service are also NOT ticked.
- Ensure Active IS ticked.
- Click SAVE and return to POS
The finished screen should look like this:

Refunding from account balance
If the client is seeking a refund of money to their account balance, we must firstly do the following.
- Navigate to the POS screen.
- Add an item and choose the refund service item created above.
- Select the appropriate customer and use the price field to enter the refund amount.
- End the Sale with the End Sale button.
- Select Use Customer Account as the payment method.
- Complete the purchase
The above should zero out the customers balance, and not affect the end of day figures.
Refunding from Services / products (not account balance)
If we are refunding monies taken for a particular service, we now need to use the POS to record a reversal of this.
- Navigate to the POS screen.
- Add a service and choose the Refund created above.
- Select the appropriate Customer as the paying customer.
- Enter the Refund Value in the price field.
- Enter a NEGATIVE number in the quantity field (under the QTY).
- End the Sale with the End Sale button.
- Select the Payment Method that co-responds to the account we are extracting the refund from – eg cash if we are refunding from the till, or credit card/eftpos if we are refunding onto a card.
- Complete the purchase
The above process will provide a record for refunds in the transaction for accounting purpose and the correct funds in both cash register and client accounts.