New Online Booking goodness!

We’ve added some killer improvements to the online booking tools in Client Diary. Check them out. Win!

Confirm or deny a booking directly from your email

A client books online. You are happy to approve the booking but you’re out at lunch. The conversation is good and don’t want to load your Client Diary app. Just press Confirm directly from the email and the job is done. Too easy.

Take control of last minute Online Bookings

Some businesses are OK with a client booking at the last minute. Others are not. If you don’t want your client being able to book with you via Online Booking at the last minute you now have control over this. You can also control how far into the future a client can book.

Do you book by the half hour?

Not everyone does but for businesses that do this, we’ve added the ability to force 30 minute intervals for your online booking. No more bookings coming in that need adjustment.

Don’t want to keep getting emails about bookings?

Some of us like to see when an Online Booking is made in our email and some of us don’t. We’re all different and that’s OK! You can now choose by simply flicking a switch.

Click here to learn more…

As you can see we’re pulling out the stops to make Client Diary the very best it can be but it only happens with your feedback so please keep it coming.

The new Online Booking features are super helpful in making Online Bookings work as best they can for your business. Be sure to drop a line and let us know what you think.

All the best
Robert & the Team @ Client Diary

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