New tools have been added to Client Diary to help your business. Have a read and follow the links for any you’d like to setup or adjust.

Appointment reminders can now have Staff Names
This highly requested feature is now in place. Your message can include the “booked staff member’s name” in the reminder text..
The example above shows employee “Sarah” but Client Diary will intelligently change the name, depending on who the client is booked with.

Print Quote at POS.
We listened. It’s here!
For those businesses who require a quote to be shown before performing services, you can quickly create one from either the calendar or now, the point of sale screen.

Searching for Vouchers is now easier.
The voucher search tool at Point of Sale is now super simple.
You can either visually search, you can type a voucher number or even search for part of the voucher description.
The search is ‘fuzzy’ meaning you can even miss-spell and it will still find what you mean.
Nice and easy to find those vouchers.
As usual these new tools are all from your feedback, so please keep putting in your feature requests, we love to hear them!
Follow the “Show me how” links above to learn how to use these new tools or simply let us know and we can help.
All the best
The Client Diary Team