As we get closer to the busiest time of the year we’ve been pulling out the stops to really polish some of our most used tools to have them ready for your business. Have a read below to learn what’s new in Client Diary.

Recurring Blockouts
Blockouts are now supercharged with the ability to make them recurring.
Need to block out training every week? Team meetings? Client Diary has you covered.

More Pre-Set Durations For Blockouts
People found they were regularly making a blockout, then dragging it longer. So we added more pre-set times to make life easier!
Simply choose your preferred time scale in the updated Block Out creation screen.

Client Alerts Now Trigger On Appointment Interaction
Have a client where you MUST see alert info on them? We’ve improved the alerts system to show you the alert when you interact with appointments, making sure you never miss important info.

Recent Services Show Bundles
When making a booking, if your client recently had a Bundle, that Bundle will now show in their service history. Nice!

Stock Usage Now Allows Retail and Usage
Everyone handles their stock differently, so we’ve enhanced our Stock Usage tool to allow you to choose Retail and / or Usage stock.

Ability To Deactivate/Hide Payment Methods
Is your POS still listing payment methods you don’t use anymore?
If so, you can now quickly remove them.

Ability to Deactivate/Hide Discount Reasons
A world of old Discount Reasons cloging up your list in POS? You can now remove (and re-add) them.
As usual, the above are all thanks to user feedback, so please keep it coming.
Client Diary is the beating heart of your business management tools, so if there is something you want to see, don’t be shy and let us know.
Until the next update!
The Team @ Client Diary